Homeowners are no strangers to electrical issues. It’s a source of headaches for many people, whether the problem is just a high bill or unreliability that points to a larger systemic issue. Don’t worry. At Jason H. Pope Electrical Contractors, we’ve seen it all and we can help you handle practically any electrical system problem you come across.
Here are a few of the most common ones, along with our recommendations for what to do.
#1: Tripping Circuit Breakers
Circuit breakers are designed to, well, break circuits. They do this when they sense that too much energy is being passed through the circuit, making it dangerous to your home. If your circuit breakers are tripping a lot, it’s important to delve into the issue and try to understand why. Potentially, this could be a very dangerous problem.
Determine whether the same circuit trips every time. If so, the issue is likely the number of devices in that circuit. You may need to increase the number of outlets in your home or shift some of those appliances to other circuits. It’s best to contact professional electricians about this issue, regardless.
#2: High Bulb Turnover
Are your lightbulbs burning out frequently? They shouldn’t be. Modern LED lights are designed to last for up to 50,000 hours! If you keep needing to replace your lightbulbs, this could be a sign of a major problem. Burnout can result from loose electrical connections that are extremely dangerous and can cause a fire hazard.
Alternatively, it could simply be the case that you’re accidentally putting the wrong kind of lightbulb in your sockets. Check the label near the socket to see what its maximum wattage is. If you put a bulb in the socket that exceeds its max wattage, the lightbulb itself is probably causing the burnout.
#3: Broken Light Switches
Another common problem is simply that your light switches don’t work (even after you’ve determined that the issue isn’t the bulb). This could result from a variety of causes, but the good news is that it’s probably the least dangerous issue.
Common problems that could cause the switches to fail include:
- old or worn-out switches
- faulty installation
- circuit breaker is switched off
- defective or improperly manufactured parts
As always, we recommend scheduling a visit from professional electricians when handling any electrical issues. Even when the problem is simple and doesn’t present any immediate danger, handling an electrical system (even to fix a problem) can be dangerous.
Contact Jason H. Pope Electrical Contractors if your home is experiencing any electrical problems – we can help!